My name's Jordan.

I believe that all small businesses and startups deserve a web presence that works, so I make that happen.

Born and raised in Southern California, I have been making websites for people since 2002.

I am 50% nerd and 50% marketing major which have been mixed and mashed together over the last decade to help small business owners reach bigger and better audiences online.

From brand development to web design + maintenance; from search engine optimization to social media management, I have helped numerous clients reach and exceed their business goals by revolutionizing their online presence.

I like working with clients who understand the value of a strong digital presence – clients who realize that they are an expert at what they do, and that I am an expert at helping their potential customers find them online.

"People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe."
– Simon Sinek

Kind Words from Clients

Isaiah L.

Owner / Regal Court Reporting

Phasellus dictum lectus in metus dignissim mattis at ac enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc non scelerisque nunc, in pulvinar augue. In massa nulla, facilisis vitae ligula vel, lobortis elementum orci.

Ellen B.

Relationship Manager / Wealth TEAMS

Quisque arcu velit, pretium in est at, hendrerit laoreet tortor. Curabitur commodo commodo elit eget elementum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque finibus ante quis tellus euismod, vitae facilisis justo mattis.

Joseph A.

Principal Consultant / The Cypress Group

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras cursus, mauris quis rutrum hendrerit, nisi ligula convallis ex, in euismod urna eros id neque.